Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.23.845 Code city retaining former second-class city plan -- City council -- Presiding officer -- Voting rights

§ 35.23.845. Code city retaining former second-class city plan -- City council -- Presiding officer -- Voting rights

In a city initially classified as a second-class city prior to January 1, 1993, that retained its second-class city plan of government when the city reorganized as a noncharter code city, the mayor shall have a vote only in the case of a tie in the votes of the councilmembers. The president of the council while presiding or the president pro tempore shall have the right to vote upon all questions coming before the council.

A majority of all the members elected shall be necessary to pass any ordinance appropriating for any purpose the sum of five hundred dollars or upwards or any ordinance imposing any assessment, tax, or license or in any wise increasing or diminishing the city revenue.

[1994 c 81 § 33; 1965 c 7 §35.23.280 . Prior: (i) 1907 c 241 § 28, part; 1890 p 148 § 37; RRS § 9033, part. (ii) 1907 c 241 § 61; 1890 p 159 § 51; RRS § 9064. Formerly RCW 35.23.280.]

Sections:  Previous  35.23.570  35.23.580  35.23.680  35.23.705  35.23.800  35.23.805  35.23.810  35.23.815  35.23.820  35.23.825  35.23.830  35.23.835  35.23.840  35.23.845  35.23.850  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009