Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.34.220 Funds received from sales of bonds and warrants -- Expenditures

§ 35.34.220. Funds received from sales of bonds and warrants -- Expenditures

Moneys received from the sale of bonds or warrants shall be used for no other purpose than that for which they were issued and no expenditure shall be made for that purpose until the bonds have been duly authorized. If any unexpended fund balance remains from the proceeds realized from the bonds or warrants after the accomplishment of the purpose for which they were issued, it shall be used for the redemption of such bond or warrant indebtedness. Where a budget contains an expenditure program to be financed from a bond issue to be authorized thereafter, no such expenditure shall be made or incurred until after the bonds have been duly authorized.

[1985 c 175 § 25.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009