Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.57.010 Creation -- Board of directors -- Corporate powers

§ 35.57.010. Creation -- Board of directors -- Corporate powers

(1)(a) The legislative authority of any town or city located in a county with a population of less than one million may create a public facilities district.

(b) The legislative authorities of any contiguous group of towns or cities located in a county or counties each with a population of less than one million may enter an agreement under chapter 39.34 RCW for the creation and joint operation of a public facilities district.

(c) The legislative authority of any town or city, or any contiguous group of towns or cities, located in a county with a population of less than one million and the legislative authority of a contiguous county, or the legislative authority of the county or counties in which the towns or cities are located, may enter into an agreement under chapter 39.34 RCW for the creation and joint operation of a public facilities district.

(d) The legislative authority of a city located in a county with a population greater than one million may create a public facilities district, when the city has a total population of less than one hundred fifteen thousand but greater than eighty thousand and commences construction of a regional center prior to July 1, 2008.

(2)(a) A public facilities district shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the city or town or contiguous group of cities or towns that created the district.

(b) A public facilities district created by an agreement between a town or city, or a contiguous group of towns or cities, and a contiguous county or the county in which they are located, shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the towns or cities, and the boundaries of the county or counties as to the unincorporated areas of the county or counties. The boundaries shall not include incorporated towns or cities that are not parties to the agreement for the creation and joint operation of the district.

(3)(a) A public facilities district created by a single city or town shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of five members selected as follows: (i) Two members appointed by the legislative authority of the city or town; and (ii) three members appointed by legislative authority based on recommendations from local organizations. The members appointed under (a)(i) of this subsection, shall not be members of the legislative authority of the city or town. The members appointed under (a)(ii) of this subsection, shall be based on recommendations received from local organizations that may include, but are not limited to the local chamber of commerce, local economic development council, and local labor council. The members shall serve four-year terms. Of the initial members, one must be appointed for a one-year term, one must be appointed for a two-year term, one must be appointed for a three-year term, and the remainder must be appointed for four-year terms.

(b) A public facilities district created by a contiguous group of cities and towns shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of seven members selected as follows: (i) Three members appointed by the legislative authorities of the cities and towns; and (ii) four members appointed by the legislative authority based on recommendations from local organizations. The members appointed under (b)(i) of this subsection shall not be members of the legislative authorities of the cities and towns. The members appointed under (b)(ii) of this subsection, shall be based on recommendations received from local organizations that include, but are not limited to the local chamber of commerce, local economic development council, local labor council, and a neighborhood organization that is directly affected by the location of the regional center in their area. The members of the board of directors shall be appointed in accordance with the terms of the agreement under chapter 39.34 RCW for the joint operation of the district and shall serve four-year terms. Of the initial members, one must be appointed for a one-year term, one must be appointed for a two-year term, one must be appointed for a three-year term, and the remainder must be appointed for four-year terms.

(c) A public facilities district created by a town or city, or a contiguous group of towns or cities, and a contiguous county or the county or counties in which they are located, shall be governed by a board of directors consisting of seven members selected as follows: (i) Three members appointed by the legislative authorities of the cities, towns, and county; and (ii) four members appointed by the legislative authority based on recommendations from local organizations. The members appointed under (c)(i) of this subsection shall not be members of the legislative authorities of the cities, towns, or county. The members appointed under (c)(ii) of this subsection shall be based on recommendations received from local organizations that include, but are not limited to, the local chamber of commerce, the local economic development council, the local labor council, and a neighborhood organization that is directly affected by the location of the regional center in their area. The members of the board of directors shall be appointed in accordance with the terms of the agreement under chapter 39.34 RCW for the joint operation of the district and shall serve four-year terms. Of the initial members, one must be appointed for a one-year term, one must be appointed for a two-year term, one must be appointed for a three-year term, and the remainder must be appointed for four-year terms.

(4) A public facilities district is a municipal corporation, an independent taxing "authority" within the meaning of Article VII, section 1 of the state Constitution, and a "taxing district" within the meaning of Article VII, section 2 of the state Constitution.

(5) A public facilities district shall constitute a body corporate and shall possess all the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes as well as all other powers that may now or hereafter be specifically conferred by statute, including, but not limited to, the authority to hire employees, staff, and services, to enter into contracts, and to sue and be sued.

(6) A public facilities district may acquire and transfer real and personal property by lease, sublease, purchase, or sale. No direct or collateral attack on any public facilities district purported to be authorized or created in conformance with this chapter may be commenced more than thirty days after creation by the city and/or county legislative authority.

[2007 c 486 § 1; 2002 c 363 § 1; 1999 c 165 § 1.]

Sections:  35.57.010  35.57.020  35.57.030  35.57.040  35.57.050  35.57.060  35.57.070  35.57.080  35.57.090  35.57.100  35.57.110  35.57.900  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009