Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.92.054 May acquire electrical distribution property from public utility district

§ 35.92.054. May acquire electrical distribution property from public utility district

Any city or town may acquire by purchase or condemnation from any public utility district or combination of public utility districts any electrical distribution property within the boundaries of such city or town: PROVIDED, That such right of condemnation shall not apply to a city or town located within a public utility district that owns the electric distribution properties sought to be condemned.

[1965 c 7 § 35.92.054. Prior: 1953 c 97 § 1; 1951 c 272 § 1. Formerly RCW 80.40.054.]

Right of county-wide utility district to acquire distribution properties: RCW 54.32.040. Sections:  Previous  35.92.023  35.92.025  35.92.027  35.92.030  35.92.040  35.92.050  35.92.052  35.92.054  35.92.060  35.92.070  35.92.075  35.92.080  35.92.090  35.92.100  35.92.105  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009