Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.92.280 Cities over one hundred fifty thousand, joint undertaking with P.U.D. as to electric utility properties --

§ 35.92.280. Cities over one hundred fifty thousand, joint undertaking with P.U.D. as to electric utility properties -- "Electric utility properties" defined

As used in RCW 35.92.280 through 35.92.310 "electric utility properties" shall mean any and all permits, licenses, property rights, water rights and any and all works, plants, dams, powerhouses, transmission lines, switchyards, substations, property and facilities of every kind and character which may be used, or may be useful, in the generation and transmission of electric power and energy, produced by water power, steam or any other methods.

[1965 c 7 § 35.92.280. Prior: 1957 c 287 § 1. Formerly RCW 80.40.280.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009