Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.92.410 Provision of sewer services and facilities -- Contract with Canadian corporation

§ 35.92.410. Provision of sewer services and facilities -- Contract with Canadian corporation

A city or town contiguous with Canada may contract with a Canadian corporation for the discharge of sewage from all or any portion of the city's or town's sewer service area into the sewer system of the Canadian corporation. A city or town contiguous with Canada may contract with a Canadian corporation for the construction, operation, or maintenance of sewers and sewage treatment and disposal facilities for their joint use and benefit upon such terms and conditions and for such period of time as the contracting parties may determine, which may include vesting one of the contracting parties with the sole authority to construct, operate, or maintain the facilities with the other contracting party or parties paying an agreed-upon portion of the expenses to the party with sole authority to construct, operate, or maintain the facilities.

[1999 c 61 § 2.]

Sections:  Previous  35.92.290  35.92.300  35.92.310  35.92.350  35.92.355  35.92.360  35.92.365  35.92.370  35.92.380  35.92.390  35.92.400  35.92.410  35.92.420  35.92.430  35.92.440  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009