Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 4 Civil Procedure - Section 4.24.080 Action to recover leased premises used for gambling

§ 4.24.080. Action to recover leased premises used for gambling

It shall be lawful for any person letting or renting any house, room, shop or other building whatsoever, or any boat, booth, garden, or other place, which shall, at any time, be used by the lessee or occupant thereof, or any other person, with his knowledge or consent, for gambling purposes, upon discovery thereof, to avoid and terminate such lease, or contract of occupancy, and to recover immediate possession of the premises by an action at law for that purpose.

[1957 c 7 § 3; Code 1881 § 1257; 1879 p 98 § 5; RRS § 5852.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009