Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 4 Civil Procedure - Section 4.24.551 Law enforcement response to secure community transition facility -- Limitation on liability

§ 4.24.551. Law enforcement response to secure community transition facility -- Limitation on liability

(1) Law enforcement shall respond to a call regarding a resident of a secure community transition facility as a high priority call.

(2) No law enforcement officer responding reasonably and in good faith to a call regarding a resident of a secure community transition facility shall be held liable nor shall the city or county employing the officer be held liable, in any cause of action for civil damages based on the acts of the resident or the actions of the officer during the response.

[2002 c 68 § 3.]

     Purpose -- Severability -- Effective date -- 2002 c 68: See notes following RCW 36.70A.200.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009