Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 36 Counties - Chapter 36.64 Joint Governmental Activities
- 36.64.010 Joint courthouse and city hall
If the county seat of a county is in an incorporated city, the county and city may contract, one with the other, for the joint ...
- 36.64.020 Joint courthouse and city hall -- Terms of contract
A contract made in pursuance of RCW 36.64.010 shall fully set forth the amount of money to be contributed by each towards acquisition of the ...
- 36.64.030 Joint courthouse and city hall -- Approval of contract
The contract between a county and a city shall be made only after a proper resolution of the board of county commissioners of the county ...
- 36.64.040 Joint courthouse and city hall -- Funds, how provided
The money to be contributed by a county or a city or both may be raised by a sale of its bonds, or by general ...
- 36.64.050 Joint armory sites
Any city or county in the state may expend money from its current expense funds in payment in whole or in part for an armory ...
- 36.64.060 Joint canal construction
Whenever the county legislative authority of a county with a population of one hundred twenty-five thousand or more deems it for the interest of the ...
- 36.64.070 Counties with populations of two hundred ten thousand or more -- Contracts with cities concerning buildings and related improvements
Any county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more may contract with any city or cities within such county for the financing, ...
- 36.64.080 Conferences to study regional and governmental problems -- Counties and cities may establish -- Subjects -- Recommendations
The boards of county commissioners of any county and any counties contiguous thereto and the governing body of any cities and/or towns within said counties ...
- 36.64.090 Conferences to study regional and governmental problems -- Articles -- Officers -- Agents and employees
The governing bodies of the counties and cities so associated in a conference shall adopt articles of association and bylaws, select a chairman and such ...
- 36.64.100 Conferences to study regional and governmental problems -- Contracts with other governmental agencies -- Grants and gifts -- Consultants
The conference is authorized to contract generally and to enter into any contract with the federal government, the state, any municipal corporation and/or other governmental ...
- 36.64.110 Conferences to study regional and governmental problems -- Public purpose -- Contributions to support by municipal corporations
The formation of the conference is hereby declared to be a public purpose, and any municipal corporation may contribute to the expenses of such conference ...
Last modified: April 7, 2009