Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 2 Courts Of Record - Section 2.14.040 Administration of plan

§ 2.14.040. Administration of plan

The administrator for the courts, under the direction of the board for judicial administration, shall administer the plan. The administrator shall:

(1) Deposit or invest contributions to the plan consistent with RCW 2.14.080;

(2) Credit investment earnings or interest to individual judicial retirement accounts consistent with RCW 2.14.070;

(3) Keep or cause to be kept full and adequate accounts and records of the assets, obligations, transactions, and affairs of any judicial retirement accounts created under this chapter; and

(4) Adopt rules necessary to carry out this chapter.

[1998 c 245 § 1; 1988 c 109 § 15.]

     Effective date -- 1988 c 109: See note following RCW 2.10.030.

Sections:  Previous  2.14.010  2.14.020  2.14.030  2.14.040  2.14.050  2.14.060  2.14.070  2.14.080  2.14.090  2.14.100  2.14.110  2.14.115  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009