Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 9 Crimes And Punishments - Section 9.81.010 Definitions

§ 9.81.010. Definitions

(1) "Organization" means an organization, corporation, company, partnership, association, trust, foundation, fund, club, society, committee, political party, or any group of persons, whether or not incorporated, permanently or temporarily associated together for joint action or advancement of views on any subject or subjects.

(2) "Subversive organization" means any organization which engages in or advocates, abets, advises, or teaches, or a purpose of which is to engage in or advocate, abet, advise, or teach activities intended to overthrow, destroy or alter, or to assist in the overthrow, destruction or alteration of, the constitutional form of the government of the United States, or of the state of Washington, or of any political subdivision of either of them, by revolution, force or violence.

(3) "Foreign subversive organization" means any organization directed, dominated or controlled directly or indirectly by a foreign government which engages in or advocates, abets, advises, or teaches, or a purpose of which is to engage in or to advocate, abet, advise, or teach, activities intended to overthrow, destroy or alter, or to assist in the overthrow, destruction or alteration of the constitutional form of the government of the United States, or of the state of Washington, or of any political subdivision of either of them, and to establish in place thereof any form of government the direction and control of which is to be vested in, or exercised by or under, the domination or control of any foreign government, organization, or individual.

(4) "Foreign government" means the government of any country or nation other than the government of the United States of America or of one of the states thereof.

(5) "Subversive person" means any person who commits, attempts to commit, or aids in the commission, or advocates, abets, advises or teaches by any means any person to commit, attempt to commit, or aid in the commission of any act intended to overthrow, destroy or alter, or to assist in the overthrow, destruction or alteration of, the constitutional form of the government of the United States, or of the state of Washington, or any political subdivision of either of them by revolution, force, or violence; or who with knowledge that the organization is an organization as described in subsections (2) and (3) hereof, becomes or remains a member of a subversive organization or a foreign subversive organization.

[1953 c 142 § 1; 1951 c 254 § 1.]

     Short title -- 1951 c 254: "This act may be cited as the Subversive Activities Act." [1951 c 254 § 20.]

     Severability -- 1951 c 254: "If any provision, phrase, or clause of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions, phrases, or clauses or applications of this act which can be given effect without the invalid provision, phrase, or clause or application, and to this end the provisions, phrases and clauses of this act are declared to be severable." [1951 c 254 § 18.]

Sections:  9.81.010  9.81.020  9.81.030  9.81.040  9.81.050  9.81.060  9.81.070  9.81.080  9.81.082  9.81.083  9.81.090  9.81.110  9.81.120  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009