Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 9 Crimes And Punishments - Section 9.94A.7608 Legal financial obligations -- Financial institutions -- Service on main office or branch, effect -- Collection actions against community bank account, court hearing

§ 9.94A.7608. Legal financial obligations -- Financial institutions -- Service on main office or branch, effect -- Collection actions against community bank account, court hearing

An order to withhold and deliver or any other income-withholding action authorized by this chapter may be served on the main office of a bank, savings and loan association, or credit union or on a branch office of the financial institution. Service on the main office shall be effective to attach the deposits of an offender in the financial institution and compensation payable for personal services due the offender from the financial institution. Service on a branch office shall be effective to attach the deposits, accounts, credits, or other personal property of the offender, excluding compensation payable for personal services, in the possession or control of the particular branch served.

Notwithstanding any other provision of RCW 9.94A.760 and 9.94A.7601 through 9.94A.761, if the department initiates collection action against a joint bank account, with or without the right of survivorship, or any other funds which are subject to the community property laws of this state, notice shall be given to all affected parties that the account or funds are subject to potential withholding. Such notice shall be by first-class mail, return receipt required, or by personal service and be given at least twenty calendar days before withholding is made. Upon receipt of such notice, the nonobligated person shall have ten calendar days to file a petition with the department contesting the withholding of his or her interest in the account or funds. The department shall provide notice of the right of the filing of the petition with the notice provided in this paragraph. If the petition is not filed within the period provided for herein, the department is authorized to proceed with the collection action.

[1991 c 93 § 9. Formerly RCW 9.94A.200040.]

     Retroactive application -- Captions not law -- 1991 c 93: See notes following RCW 9.94A.7601.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009