Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 85 Diking And Drainage - Section 85.08.660 Waters developed -- Notice of hearing -- Form of application -- Bond

§ 85.08.660. Waters developed -- Notice of hearing -- Form of application -- Bond

When any such application shall be filed, the board of supervisors of the district shall cause to be published in the county official paper, once a week for three successive weeks prior to the date of the hearing hereinafter referred to, a notice fixing the time and place within the district when the board will hear and consider such applications. All applications shall be in writing and contain a statement of the proposed use to be made of the water, specifying the time, place and manner of such proposed use; and in entering into any such contract, the board of supervisors of the district may require such security as they may deem reasonable for the proper construction and installation of works of diversion and for the use of said water by the party proposing to use the same.

[1917 c 130 § 10; RRS § 4458.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009