§ 85.32.140. Chapter exclusive method -- Concurrent use of other method to extinguish prior indebtedness -- Special assessment bonds
Any district choosing to operate under this chapter shall not use the processes provided for raising revenue under any other law: PROVIDED, That if for any reason it is deemed more just and advisable by the board, any such other method or process for raising revenue as provided by law may be used concurrently against properties solely within the territorial limits of the district for the sole purpose of extinguishing indebtedness incurred before the district adopts the procedure of this chapter, in which event no funds raised under this chapter shall be used to pay such prior indebtedness. However, when a drainage district issues special assessment bonds or notes after June 1, 1986, the process of raising revenue related to the bonds or notes shall be as specified in chapter 85.38 RCW.
[1986 c 278 § 39; 1961 c 131 § 15.]
Severability -- 1986 c 278: See note following RCW 36.01.010.
Sections: Previous 85.32.070 85.32.080 85.32.090 85.32.100 85.32.110 85.32.120 85.32.130 85.32.140 85.32.150 85.32.160 85.32.170 85.32.180 85.32.190 85.32.200 85.32.210 Next
Last modified: April 7, 2009