Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 69 Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, And Poisons - Section 69.04.001 Statement of purpose

§ 69.04.001. Statement of purpose

This chapter is intended to enact state legislation (1) which safeguards the public health and promotes the public welfare by protecting the consuming public from (a) potential injury by product use; (b) products that are adulterated; or (c) products that have been produced under unsanitary conditions, and the purchasing public from injury by merchandising deceit flowing from intrastate commerce in food, drugs, devices, and cosmetics; and (2) which is uniform, as provided in this chapter, with the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act; and with the federal trade commission act, to the extent it expressly outlaws the false advertisement of food, drugs, devices, and cosmetics; and (3) which thus promotes uniformity of such law and its administration and enforcement, in and throughout the United States.

[1991 c 162 § 1; 1945 c 257 § 2; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 6163-51.]

Conformity with federal regulations: RCW 69.04.190 and 69.04.200. Sections:  69.04.001  69.04.002  69.04.003  69.04.004  69.04.005  69.04.006  69.04.007  69.04.008  69.04.009  69.04.010  69.04.011  69.04.012  69.04.013  69.04.014  69.04.015  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009