Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 69 Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, And Poisons - Section 69.25.110 Prohibited acts and practices

§ 69.25.110. Prohibited acts and practices

(1) No person shall buy, sell, or transport, or offer to buy or sell, or offer or receive for transportation, in any business in intrastate commerce any restricted eggs, capable of use as human food, except as authorized by regulations of the director under such conditions as he may prescribe to assure that only eggs fit for human food are used for such purpose.

(2) No egg handler shall possess with intent to use, or use, any restricted eggs in the preparation of human food for intrastate commerce except that such eggs may be so possessed and used when authorized by regulations of the director under such conditions as he may prescribe to assure that only eggs fit for human food are used for such purpose.

(3) No person shall process any egg products for intrastate commerce at any plant except in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

(4) No person shall buy, sell, or transport, or offer to buy or sell, or offer or receive for transportation, in intrastate commerce any egg products required to be inspected under this chapter unless they have been so inspected and are labeled and packaged in accordance with the requirements of RCW 69.25.100.

(5) No operator of any official plant shall allow any egg products to be moved from such plant if they are adulterated or misbranded and capable of use as human food.

(6) No person shall:

(a) Manufacture, cast, print, lithograph, or otherwise make any device containing any official mark or simulation thereof, or any label bearing any such mark or simulation, or any form of official certificate or simulation thereof, except as authorized by the director;

(b) Forge or alter any official device, mark, or certificate;

(c) Without authorization from the director, use any official device, mark, or certificate, or simulation thereof, or detach, deface, or destroy any official device or mark; or use any labeling or container ordered to be withheld from use under RCW 69.25.100 after final judicial affirmance of such order or expiration of the time for appeal if no appeal is taken under said section;

(d) Contrary to the regulations prescribed by the director, fail to use, or to detach, deface, or destroy any official device, mark, or certificate;

(e) Knowingly possess, without promptly notifying the director or his representative, any official device or any counterfeit, simulated, forged, or improperly altered official certificate or any device or label, or any eggs or egg products bearing any counterfeit, simulated, forged, or improperly altered official mark;

(f) Knowingly make any false statement in any shipper's certificate or other nonofficial or official certificate provided for in the regulations prescribed by the director;

(g) Knowingly represent that any article has been inspected or exempted, under this chapter when in fact it has not been so inspected or exempted; and

(h) Refuse access, at any reasonable time, to any representative of the director, to any plant or other place of business subject to inspection under any provisions of this chapter.

(7) No person, while an official or employee of the state or local governmental agency, or thereafter, shall use to his own advantage, or reveal other than to the authorized representatives of the United States government or the state in their official capacity, or as ordered by a court in a judicial proceeding, any information acquired under the authority of this chapter concerning any matter which the originator or relator of such information claims to be entitled to protection as a trade secret.

[1975 1st ex.s. c 201 § 12.]

Sections:  Previous  69.25.040  69.25.050  69.25.060  69.25.070  69.25.080  69.25.090  69.25.100  69.25.110  69.25.120  69.25.130  69.25.140  69.25.150  69.25.155  69.25.160  69.25.170  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009