Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 69 Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, And Poisons - Section 69.52.010 Legislative findings

§ 69.52.010. Legislative findings

The legislature finds that imitation controlled substances are being manufactured to imitate the appearance of the dosage units of controlled substances for sale to school age youths and others to facilitate the fraudulent sale of controlled substances. The legislature further finds that manufacturers are endeavoring to profit from the manufacture of these imitation controlled substances while avoiding liability by accurately labeling the containers or packaging which contain these imitation controlled substances. The close similarity of appearance between dosage units of imitation controlled substances and controlled substances is indicative of a deliberate and wilful attempt to profit by deception without regard to the tragic human consequences. The use of imitation controlled substances is responsible for a growing number of injuries and deaths, and the legislature hereby declares that this chapter is necessary for the protection and preservation of the public health and safety.

[1982 c 171 § 2.]

Sections:  69.52.010  69.52.020  69.52.030  69.52.040  69.52.045  69.52.050  69.52.060  69.52.070  69.52.900  69.52.901  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009