§ 76.15.030. Funding sources -- Fees -- Contracts
The department may:
(1) Receive and disburse any and all moneys contributed, allotted, or paid by the United States under authority of any act of congress for the purposes of this chapter.
(2) Receive such gifts, grants, bequests, and endowments and donations of labor, material, seedlings, and equipment from public or private sources as may be made for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter, and may spend the gifts, grants, bequests, endowments, and donations as well as other moneys from public or private sources.
(3) Charge fees for attendance at workshops and conferences, and for various publications and other materials that the department may prepare.
(4) Enter into agreements and contracts with persons having community and urban forestry-related responsibilities.
[1991 c 179 § 5.]
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