Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 76 Forests And Forest Products - Chapter 76.48 Specialized Forest Products
- 76.48.010 Declaration of public interest
It is in the public interest of this state to protect a great natural resource and to provide a high degree of protection to the ...
- 76.48.020 Definitions
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise. (1) "Authorization" means a properly completed preprinted form authorizing the ...
- 76.48.030 Unlawful acts
It is unlawful for any person to: (1) Harvest specialized forest products as described in RCW 76.48.020, in the quantities specified in RCW 76.48.060, without ...
- 76.48.040 Agencies responsible for enforcement of chapter
Agencies charged with the enforcement of this chapter shall include, but not be limited to, the Washington state patrol, county sheriffs and their deputies, county ...
- 76.48.050 Specialized forest products permits -- Expiration -- Specifications
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, specialized forest products permits shall consist of properly completed permit forms validated by the ...
- 76.48.060 Specialized forest products permits -- Required -- Forms -- Filing
(1) A specialized forest products permit validated by the county sheriff shall be obtained by a person prior to: (a) Harvesting from any lands, including ...
- 76.48.062 Validation of specialized forest product permits -- Authorized agents
County sheriffs may contract with other entities to serve as authorized agents to validate specialized forest product permits. These entities include the United States forest ...
- 76.48.070 Transporting or possessing cedar or other specialized forest products -- Requirements
(1) Except as provided in RCW 76.48.100 and 76.48.075, it is unlawful for any person (a) to possess, (b) to transport, or (c) to possess ...
- 76.48.075 Specialized forest products from out-of-state
(1) It is unlawful for any person to transport or cause to be transported into this state from any other state or province specialized forest ...
- 76.48.080 Contents of authorization, sales invoice, or bill of lading
The authorization, sales invoice, or bill of lading required by RCW 76.48.070 shall specify: (1) The date of its execution. (2) The number and type ...
- 76.48.085 Purchase of specialized forest products or huckleberries -- Required records
(1) Buyers who purchase specialized forest products or huckleberries are required to record: (a) The permit number; (b) The type of forest product purchased, and ...
- 76.48.086 Records of buyers available for research
Records of buyers of specialized forest products and huckleberries collected under the requirements of RCW 76.48.085 may be made available to colleges and universities for ...
- 76.48.094 Cedar or specialty wood processors -- Records of purchase, possession, or retention of cedar products, salvage, or specialty wood -- Bill of lading
(1) Cedar or specialty wood processors shall make and maintain a record of the purchase, taking possession, or retention of cedar products, cedar salvage, or ...
- 76.48.096 Obtaining products from suppliers not having specialized forest products permit unlawful
It is unlawful for any cedar or specialty wood buyer or processor to purchase, take possession, or retain cedar or specialty wood products or cedar ...
- 76.48.098 Display of valid registration certificate required
Every cedar or specialty wood buyer or processor shall prominently display a valid registration certificate, or copy thereof, obtained from the department of revenue under ...
- 76.48.100 Exemptions
The provisions of this chapter do not apply to: (1) Nursery grown products. (2) Logs (except as included in the definition of "cedar salvage" under ...
- 76.48.110 Violations -- Seizure and disposition of products and other items -- Disposition of proceeds
(1) Whenever any law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a person is harvesting or is in possession of or transporting specialized forest ...
- 76.48.120 False, fraudulent, forged, or stolen specialized forest products permit, sales invoice, bill of lading, etc. -- Penalty
(1) It is unlawful for any person, upon official inquiry, investigation, or other authorized proceedings, to offer as genuine any paper, document, or other instrument ...
- 76.48.130 Penalties -- Affirmative defense
(1) A person who violates a provision of this chapter, other than the provisions contained in RCW 76.48.120, as now or hereafter amended, is guilty ...
- 76.48.140 Disposition of fines
All fines collected for violations of any provision of this chapter shall be paid into the general fund of the county treasury of the county ...
- 76.48.150 Department to develop specialized forest products permit/education material
The department of natural resources is the designated agency to develop and print the specialized forest products permit and distribute it to the county sheriffs. ...
- 76.48.200 Assistance and training for minority groups
Minority groups have long been participants in the specialized forest products and huckleberry harvesting industry. The legislature encourages agencies serving minority communities, community-based organizations, refugee ...
- 76.48.210 Sale of raw or unprocessed huckleberries -- Requirements
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person may sell, or attempt to sell, any amount of raw or unprocessed huckleberries without first ...
- 76.48.900 Severability -- 1967 ex.s. c 47
If any section, provision, or part thereof of this chapter shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity ...
- 76.48.901 Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 147
If any provision of this 1977 amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or ...
- 76.48.902 Severability -- 1979 ex.s. c 94
If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application ...
- 76.48.910 Saving -- 1967 ex.s. c 47
This chapter is not intended to repeal or modify any provision of existing law.[1967 ex.s. c 47 ยง 16.] ...
Last modified: April 7, 2009