Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 51 Industrial Insurance - Section 51.04.010 Declaration of police power -- Jurisdiction of courts abolished

§ 51.04.010. Declaration of police power -- Jurisdiction of courts abolished

The common law system governing the remedy of workers against employers for injuries received in employment is inconsistent with modern industrial conditions. In practice it proves to be economically unwise and unfair. Its administration has produced the result that little of the cost of the employer has reached the worker and that little only at large expense to the public. The remedy of the worker has been uncertain, slow and inadequate. Injuries in such works, formerly occasional, have become frequent and inevitable. The welfare of the state depends upon its industries, and even more upon the welfare of its wage worker. The state of Washington, therefore, exercising herein its police and sovereign power, declares that all phases of the premises are withdrawn from private controversy, and sure and certain relief for workers, injured in their work, and their families and dependents is hereby provided regardless of questions of fault and to the exclusion of every other remedy, proceeding or compensation, except as otherwise provided in this title; and to that end all civil actions and civil causes of action for such personal injuries and all jurisdiction of the courts of the state over such causes are hereby abolished, except as in this title provided.

[1977 ex.s. c 350 § 1; 1972 ex.s. c 43 § 1; 1961 c 23 § 51.04.010. Prior: 1911 c 74 § 1; RRS § 7673.]

Sections:  51.04.010  51.04.020  51.04.024  51.04.030  51.04.040  51.04.050  51.04.060  51.04.070  51.04.080  51.04.082  51.04.085  51.04.090  51.04.100  51.04.105  51.04.110  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009