Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 51 Industrial Insurance - Section 51.44.110 Disbursements of funds

§ 51.44.110. Disbursements of funds

Disbursement out of the several funds shall be made only upon warrants drawn by the department. The state treasurer shall pay every warrant out of the fund upon which it is drawn. If, at any time, there shall not be sufficient money in the fund on which any such warrant is drawn wherewith to pay the same, the employer on account of whose worker it was that the warrant was drawn shall pay the same, and he or she shall be credited upon his or her next following contribution to such fund the amount so paid with interest thereon at the legal rate from the date of such payment to the date such next following contribution became payable and, if the amount of the credit shall exceed the amount of the contribution, he or she shall have a warrant upon the same fund for the excess and, if any such warrant shall not be so paid, it shall remain, nevertheless, payable out of the fund.

[1977 ex.s. c 350 § 68; 1973 c 106 § 30; 1961 c 23 § 51.44.110. Prior: 1911 c 74 § 26, part; RRS § 7705, part.]

Sections:  Previous  51.44.040  51.44.050  51.44.060  51.44.070  51.44.080  51.44.090  51.44.100  51.44.110  51.44.115  51.44.120  51.44.140  51.44.142  51.44.150  51.44.160  51.44.170  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009