Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 48 Insurance - Section 48.104.030 Definitions

§ 48.104.030. Definitions

The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.

(1) "Holocaust survivor" or "Holocaust victim" means any person who was persecuted, imprisoned or liable to imprisonment, or had property taken or confiscated during the period of 1933 to 1945, inclusive, by Nazi Germany, its allies, or sympathizers based on that person's race, religion, ethnicity, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or similar class or group-based animus.

(2) "Related company" means any parent, subsidiary, successor in interest, managing general agent, or other person or company affiliated directly or indirectly through ownership, control, common ownership or control, or other business or insurance relationship with another company or insurer.

(3) "Insurer" means an entity holding a certificate of authority or license to conduct the business of insurance in this state, or whose contacts with this state satisfy the constitutional requirements for jurisdiction, that sold life, property, liability, health, annuities, dowry, educational, casualty, or any other insurance covering persons or property to persons in Europe at any time before 1945, whether directly or through or as [a] result of sales by a related company, or is itself a related company to any person, entity, or insurance company that sold such policies, whether the sale of the insurance occurred before or after becoming related.

(4) "Proceeds" means the face or other payout value of policies and annuities plus reasonable interest to date of payments without diminution for wartime or immediate postwar currency devaluation legally due under any insurance policy issued by an insurer or any related company.

(5) "International commission" means the international commission on Holocaust era insurance claims, referenced in and established under a memorandum of understanding originally dated April 8, 1998, between and among the insurance commissioner, various other state insurance regulators, various alien insurance companies, and worldwide Jewish groups, which commission held its first meeting in New York on October 21, 1998, and any successor.

(6) "Other assets" means the proceeds of bank accounts, gold, art, houses, businesses, other real estate properties or land, or the contents of homes, businesses, or other real estate properties of Holocaust survivors or victims.

[1999 c 8 § 3.]

Sections:  Previous  48.104.010  48.104.020  48.104.030  48.104.040  48.104.050  48.104.060  48.104.070  48.104.080  48.104.090  48.104.100  48.104.110  48.104.120  48.104.130  48.104.900  48.104.901  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009