Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 87 Irrigation - Section 87.48.010 Contracts for indemnity authorized

§ 87.48.010. Contracts for indemnity authorized

Any irrigation district by and through its board of directors is hereby authorized and shall have the power to enter into a contract with the state of Washington whereby it shall agree to repay to the state of Washington any expenses incurred by the state of Washington and to indemnify the state of Washington against any and all losses and damages which the state of Washington may suffer, under any contract between the state of Washington and the United States relating to land settlement in said district. This chapter shall apply to all irrigation districts and shall not be otherwise construed.

[1925 ex.s. c 34 § 1; RRS § 7525-1.]

Sections:  87.48.010  87.48.020  87.48.030  87.48.040  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009