Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 13 Juvenile Courts And Juvenile Offenders - Section 13.60.110 Task force on missing and exploited children -- Establishment -- Activities -- Annual reports

§ 13.60.110. Task force on missing and exploited children -- Establishment -- Activities -- Annual reports

(1) A task force on missing and exploited children is established in the Washington state patrol. The task force shall be under the direction of the chief of the state patrol.

(2) The task force is authorized to assist law enforcement agencies, upon request, in cases involving missing or exploited children by:

(a) Direct assistance and case management;

(b) Technical assistance;

(c) Personnel training;

(d) Referral for assistance from local, state, national, and international agencies; and

(e) Coordination and information sharing among local, state, interstate, and federal law enforcement and social service agencies.

(3) To maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of state resources and to improve interagency cooperation, the task force shall, where feasible, use existing facilities, systems, and staff made available by the state patrol and other local, state, interstate, and federal law enforcement and social service agencies. The chief of the state patrol may employ such additional personnel as are necessary for the work of the task force and may share personnel costs with other agencies.

(4) The chief of the state patrol shall seek public and private grants and gifts to support the work of the task force.

(5) By December 1, 2001, and annually thereafter, the chief of the state patrol shall submit a report to the appropriate committees of the legislature. The report shall establish performance measurements and objectives for the task force and assess the accomplishments of the task force.

(6) For the purposes of RCW 13.60.100 through 13.60.120, "exploited children" means children under the age of eighteen who are employed, used, persuaded, induced, enticed, or coerced to engage in, or assist another person to engage in, sexually explicit conduct. "Exploited children" also means the rape, molestation, or use for prostitution of children under the age of eighteen.

[1999 c 168 § 2.]

     Short title -- 1999 c 168: See note following RCW 13.60.100.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009