Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 27 Libraries, Museums, And Historical Activities - Section 27.15.060 Dissolution of library capital facility area

§ 27.15.060. Dissolution of library capital facility area

(1) A library capital facility area may be dissolved by a majority vote of the governing body when all obligations under any general obligation bonds issued by the library capital facility area have been discharged and any other contractual obligations of the library capital facility area have either been discharged or assumed by another governmental entity.

(2) A library capital facility area shall be dissolved by the governing body if the first two ballot propositions under RCW 27.15.050 that are submitted to voters are not approved.

[1995 c 368 § 7.]

Sections:  Previous  27.15.005  27.15.010  27.15.020  27.15.030  27.15.040  27.15.050  27.15.060

Last modified: April 7, 2009