Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 27 Libraries, Museums, And Historical Activities - Chapter 27.24 County Law Libraries
- 27.24.010 Establishment
Each county with a population of eight thousand or more shall have a county law library, which shall be governed and maintained as hereinafter provided.[1992 ...
- 27.24.020 Board of trustees -- Composition -- Terms
(1) Unless a regional law library is created pursuant to RCW 27.24.062, every county with a population of three hundred thousand or more must have ...
- 27.24.030 Powers of board
The board of law library trustees shall have power: (1) To make and enforce rules for their own procedure and for the government, care and ...
- 27.24.040 Annual report
The board of law library trustees shall, on or before the first Monday in September of each year, make a report to the county legislative ...
- 27.24.062 Establishment of regional law libraries
Two or more counties each with a population of from eight thousand to less than one hundred twenty-five thousand at the time of creation of ...
- 27.24.066 Library rooms and service
The county legislative authority of each county that is required to maintain a county law library shall upon demand by the board of law library ...
- 27.24.067 Free use of library
The use of the county law library shall be free to the judges of the state, to state and county officials, and to members of ...
- 27.24.068 Establishment of county law library -- Trustee -- Free use of library
In each county with a population of less than eight thousand, there may be a county law library which shall be governed and maintained by ...
- 27.24.070 Portion of filing fees for county or regional law library
In each county pursuant to this chapter, the county treasurer shall deposit in the county or regional law library fund a sum equal to seventeen ...
- 27.24.090 Discontinuance of fees
The collection of the fees directed in RCW 27.24.070 shall be discontinued whenever the board of trustees of a county library or the prosecuting attorney, ...
- 27.24.900 Effective date -- 1992 c 62
This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public ...
Last modified: April 7, 2009