Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 71 Mental Illness - Chapter 71.12 Private Establishments

  • 71.12.455 Definitions
    As used in this chapter, "establishment" and "institution" mean and include every private or county or municipal hospital, including public hospital districts, sanitarium, home, or ...
  • 71.12.460 License to be obtained -- Penalty
    No person, association, county, municipality, public hospital district, or corporation, shall establish or keep, for compensation or hire, an establishment as defined in this chapter ...
  • 71.12.470 License application -- Fees
    Every application for a license shall be accompanied by a plan of the premises proposed to be occupied, describing the capacities of the buildings for ...
  • 71.12.480 Examination of operation of establishment and premises before granting license
    The department of health shall not grant any such license until it has made an examination of all phases of the operation of the establishment ...
  • 71.12.485 Fire protection -- Duties of chief of the Washington state patrol
    Standards for fire protection and the enforcement thereof, with respect to all establishments to be licensed hereunder, shall be the responsibility of the chief of ...
  • 71.12.490 Expiration and renewal of license
    All licenses issued under the provisions of this chapter shall expire on a date to be set by the department of health. No license issued ...
  • 71.12.500 Examination of premises as to compliance with the chapter, rules, and license -- License changes
    The department of health may at any time examine and ascertain how far a licensed establishment is conducted in compliance with this chapter, the rules ...
  • 71.12.510 Examination and visitation in general
    The department of health may at any time cause any establishment as defined in this chapter to be visited and examined.[2000 c 93 § 26; ...
  • 71.12.520 Scope of examination
    Each such visit may include an inspection of every part of each establishment. The representatives of the department of health may make an examination of ...
  • 71.12.530 Conference with management -- Improvement
    The representatives of the department of health may, from time to time, at times and places designated by the department, meet the managers or responsible ...
  • 71.12.540 Recommendations to be kept on file -- Records of inmates
    The authorities of each establishment as defined in this chapter shall place on file in the office of the establishment the recommendations made by the ...
  • 71.12.550 Local authorities may also prescribe standards
    This chapter shall not prevent local authorities of any city, or city and county, within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from adopting rules ...
  • 71.12.560 Voluntary patients -- Receipt authorized -- Application -- Report
    The person in charge of any private institution, hospital, or sanitarium which is conducted for, or includes a department or ward conducted for, the care ...
  • 71.12.570 Communications by patients -- Rights
    No person in an establishment as defined in this chapter shall be restrained from sending written communications of the fact of his detention in such ...
  • 71.12.590 Revocation of license for noncompliance -- Exemption as to Christian Science establishments
    Failure to comply with any of the provisions of RCW 71.12.550 through 71.12.570 shall constitute grounds for revocation of license: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That nothing in ...
  • 71.12.595 Suspension of license -- Noncompliance with support order -- Reissuance
    The department of health shall immediately suspend the license or certificate of a person who has been certified pursuant to RCW 74.20A.320 by the department ...
  • 71.12.640 Prosecuting attorney shall prosecute violations
    The prosecuting attorney of every county shall, upon application by the department of social and health services, the department of health, or its authorized representatives, ...
  • 71.12.670 Licensing, operation, inspection -- Adoption of rules
    The department of health shall adopt rules for the licensing, operation, and inspections of establishments and institutions and the enforcement thereof.[2000 c 93 § 28.] ...

Last modified: April 7, 2009