Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 78 Mines, Minerals, And Petroleum - Section 78.44.240 Reclamation by the department -- Order to submit performance security -- Cost recovery

§ 78.44.240. Reclamation by the department -- Order to submit performance security -- Cost recovery

The department may, with the staff, equipment, and material under its control, or by contract with others, reclaim the disturbed areas when it finds that reclamation has not occurred in any segment of a surface mine within two years of completion of mining or of declaration of abandonment and the permit holder is not actively pursuing reclamation.

If the department intends to undertake the reclamation, the department shall issue an order to submit performance security requiring the permit holder or surety to submit to the department the amount of moneys posted pursuant to RCW 78.44.087. If the amount specified in the order to submit performance security is not paid within twenty days after issuance of the notice, the attorney general upon request of the department shall bring an action on behalf of the state in a superior court to recover the amount specified and associated legal fees.

The department may proceed at any time after issuing the order to submit performance security with reclamation of the site according to the approved reclamation plan or according to a plan developed by the department that meets the minimum reclamation standards.

The department shall keep a record of all expenses incurred in carrying out any reclamation project or activity authorized under this section, including:

(1) Reclamation;

(2) A reasonable charge for the services performed by the state's personnel and the state's equipment and materials utilized; and

(3) Administrative and legal expenses related to reclamation of the surface mine.

The department shall refund to the surety or permit holder all amounts received in excess of the amount of expenses incurred. If the amount received is less than the expenses incurred, the attorney general, upon request of the department, may bring an action against the permit holder on behalf of the state in the superior court to recover the remaining costs listed in this section.

[1993 c 518 § 31.]

     Captions -- Severability -- Effective date -- 1993 c 518: See notes following RCW 78.44.010.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009