Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35A Optional Municipal Code - Section 35A.13.010 City officers -- Size of council

§ 35A.13.010. City officers -- Size of council

The councilmembers shall be the only elective officers of a code city electing to adopt the council-manager plan of government authorized by this chapter, except where statutes provide for an elective municipal judge. The council shall appoint an officer whose title shall be "city manager" who shall be the chief executive officer and head of the administrative branch of the city government. The city manager shall be responsible to the council for the proper administration of all affairs of the code city. The council of a noncharter code city having less than twenty-five hundred inhabitants shall consist of five members; when there are twenty-five hundred or more inhabitants the council shall consist of seven members: PROVIDED, That if the population of a city after having become a code city decreases from twenty-five hundred or more to less than twenty-five hundred, it shall continue to have a seven member council. If, after a city has become a council-manager code city its population increases to twenty-five hundred or more inhabitants, the number of councilmanic offices in such city may increase from five to seven members upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the existing council to increase the number of councilmanic offices in the city. When the population of a council-manager code city having five councilmanic offices increases to five thousand or more inhabitants, the number of councilmanic offices in the city shall increase from five to seven members. In the event of an increase in the number of councilmanic offices, the city council shall, by majority vote, pursuant to RCW 35A.13.020, appoint two persons to serve in these offices until the next municipal general election, at which election one person shall be elected for a two-year term and one person shall be elected for a four-year term. The number of inhabitants shall be determined by the most recent official state or federal census or determination by the state office of financial management. A charter adopted under the provisions of this title, incorporating the council-manager plan of government set forth in this chapter may provide for an uneven number of councilmembers not exceeding eleven.

A noncharter code city of less than five thousand inhabitants which has elected the council-manager plan of government and which has seven councilmanic offices may establish a five-member council in accordance with the following procedure. At least six months prior to a municipal general election, the city council shall adopt an ordinance providing for reduction in the number of councilmanic offices to five. The ordinance shall specify which two councilmanic offices, the terms of which expire at the next general election, are to be terminated. The ordinance shall provide for the renumbering of council positions and shall also provide for a two-year extension of the term of office of a retained councilmanic office, if necessary, in order to comply with RCW 35A.12.040.

However, a noncharter code city that has retained its old council-manager plan of government, as provided in RCW 35A.02.130, is subject to the laws applicable to that old plan of government.

[1994 c 223 § 35; 1994 c 81 § 72; 1987 c 3 § 16; 1985 c 106 § 2; 1983 c 128 § 2; 1979 ex.s. c 18 § 24; 1979 c 151 § 34; 1967 ex.s. c 119 § 35A.13.010.]

     Severability -- 1987 c 3: See note following RCW 3.70.010.

     Severability -- 1979 ex.s. c 18: See note following RCW 35A.01.070.

Population determinations, office of financial management: Chapter 43.62 RCW. Sections:  35A.13.010  35A.13.020  35A.13.030  35A.13.033  35A.13.035  35A.13.040  35A.13.050  35A.13.060  35A.13.070  35A.13.080  35A.13.090  35A.13.100  35A.13.110  35A.13.120  35A.13.130  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009