Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35A Optional Municipal Code - Section 35A.34.100 Budget -- Notice of hearing

§ 35A.34.100. Budget -- Notice of hearing

Immediately following the filing of the preliminary budget with the clerk, the clerk shall publish a notice once a week for two consecutive weeks stating that the preliminary budget for the ensuing fiscal biennium has been filed with the clerk, that a copy thereof will be made available to any taxpayer who will call at the clerk's office therefor, that the legislative body of the city will meet on or before the first Monday of the month next preceding the beginning of the ensuing fiscal biennium for the purpose of fixing the final budget, designating the date, time, and place of the legislative budget meeting, and that any taxpayer may appear thereat and be heard for or against any part of the budget. The publication of the notice shall be made in the official newspaper of the city if there is one, otherwise in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the city, then notice may be made by posting in three public places fixed by ordinance as the official places for posting the city's official notices.

[1985 c 175 § 42.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009