Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 11 Probate And Trust Law - Section 11.100.040 Court may permit deviation from terms of trust instrument

§ 11.100.040. Court may permit deviation from terms of trust instrument

Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as restricting the power of a court of proper jurisdiction to permit a fiduciary to deviate from the terms of any will, agreement, or other instrument relating to the acquisition, investment, reinvestment, exchange, retention, sale, or management of fiduciary property.

[1985 c 30 § 71. Prior: 1955 c 33 § 30.24.040; prior: 1947 c 100 § 4; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 3255-10d. Formerly RCW 30.24.040.]

     Short title -- Application -- Purpose -- Severability -- 1985 c 30: See RCW 11.02.900 through 11.02.903.

Sections:  Previous  11.100.015  11.100.020  11.100.023  11.100.025  11.100.030  11.100.035  11.100.037  11.100.040  11.100.045  11.100.047  11.100.050  11.100.060  11.100.070  11.100.090  11.100.120  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009