Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 11 Probate And Trust Law - Section 11.118.070 Appointment and removal of trustee

§ 11.118.070. Appointment and removal of trustee

If no trustee is designated or no designated trustee is willing or able to serve, the court shall name a trustee. The court may order the removal of an acting trustee and the transfer of the property to another trustee if it is necessary or appropriate in order to assure that the intended use is carried out. A court may also make such other orders and determinations as shall be advisable to carry out the intent of the trustor and the purpose of this chapter.

[2001 c 327 § 8.]

Sections:  Previous  11.118.005  11.118.010  11.118.020  11.118.030  11.118.040  11.118.050  11.118.060  11.118.070  11.118.080  11.118.090  11.118.100  11.118.110  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009