Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 11 Probate And Trust Law - Section 11.24.020 Filing of will contest petition -- Notice

§ 11.24.020. Filing of will contest petition -- Notice

Upon the filing of the petition referred to in RCW 11.24.010, notice shall be given as provided in RCW 11.96A.100 to the executors who have taken upon themselves the execution of the will, or to the administrators with the will annexed, to all legatees named in the will or to their guardians if any of them are minors, or their personal representatives if any of them are dead, and to all persons interested in the matter, as defined in RCW 11.96A.030(5).

[2006 c 360 § 9; 1965 c 145 § 11.24.020. Prior: 1917 c 156 § 16; RRS § 1386; prior: 1891 p 382 § 9; Code 1881 § 1361; 1863 p 214 § 97; 1860 p 176 § 64.]

     Clarification of laws -- Enforceability of act -- Severability -- 2006 c 360: See notes following RCW 11.108.070.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009