Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 11 Probate And Trust Law - Section 11.76.030 Final report and petition for distribution -- Contents

§ 11.76.030. Final report and petition for distribution -- Contents

When the estate shall be ready to be closed, such personal representative shall make, verify and file with the court his final report and petition for distribution. Such final report and petition shall, among other things, show that the estate is ready to be settled and shall show any moneys collected since the previous report, and any property which may have come into the hands of the personal representative since his previous report, and debts paid, and generally the condition of the estate at that time. It shall likewise set out the names and addresses, as nearly as may be, of all the legatees and devisees in the event there shall have been a will, and the names and addresses, as nearly as may be, of all the heirs who may be entitled to share in such estate, and shall give a particular description of all the property of the estate remaining undisposed of, and shall set out such other matters as may tend to inform the court of the condition of the estate, and it may ask the court for a settlement of the estate and distribution of property and the discharge of the personal representative. If the personal representative has been discharged without having legally closed the estate, without having legally obtained an adjudication as to the heirs, or without having legally procured a decree of distribution or final settlement the court may in its discretion upon petition of any person interested, cause all such steps to be taken in such estate as were omitted or defective.

[1965 c 145 § 11.76.030. Prior: 1917 c 156 § 161; RRS § 1531; prior: 1891 c 155 § 34; Code 1881 § 1556; 1873 p 305 § 251; 1854 p 297 § 178.]

Discharge of personal representative for cause: RCW 11.28.160, 11.28.250. Sections:  Previous  11.76.010  11.76.020  11.76.030  11.76.040  11.76.050  11.76.060  11.76.070  11.76.080  11.76.095  11.76.100  11.76.110  11.76.120  11.76.130  11.76.150  11.76.160  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009