Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 11 Probate And Trust Law - Section 11.76.170 Action on claim not acted on -- Contribution

§ 11.76.170. Action on claim not acted on -- Contribution

If, after the accounts of the personal representative have been settled and the property distributed, it shall appear that there is a creditor or creditors whose claim or claims have been duly filed and not paid or disallowed, the said claim or claims shall not be a lien upon any of the property distributed, but the said creditor or creditors shall have a cause of action against the personal representative and his bond, for such an amount as such creditor or creditors would have been entitled to receive had the said claim been duly allowed and paid, and shall also have a cause of action against the distributees and creditors for a contribution from them in proportion to the amount which they have received. If the personal representative or his sureties be required to make any payment in this section provided for, he or they shall have a right of action against said distributees and creditors to compel them to contribute their just share.

[1965 c 145 § 11.76.170. Prior: 1917 c 156 § 177; RRS § 1547; prior: Code 1881 § 1569; 1860 p 214 § 271; 1854 p 299 § 191.]

Sections:  Previous  11.76.095  11.76.100  11.76.110  11.76.120  11.76.130  11.76.150  11.76.160  11.76.170  11.76.180  11.76.190  11.76.200  11.76.210  11.76.220  11.76.230  11.76.240  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009