§ 41.18.150. Credit for military service
Every person who was a member of the fire department at the time he or she entered and served in the armed forces of the United States in time of war, whether as a draftee, or inductee, and who shall have been discharged from such armed forces under conditions other than dishonorable, shall have added and accredited to his or her period of employment as a firefighter his or her period of war or peacetime service in the armed forces: PROVIDED, That such added and accredited service shall not as to any individual exceed five years.
[2007 c 218 § 55; 1955 c 382 § 14.]
Intent -- Finding -- 2007 c 218: See note following RCW 1.08.130.
Sections: Previous 41.18.080 41.18.090 41.18.100 41.18.102 41.18.104 41.18.130 41.18.140 41.18.150 41.18.160 41.18.165 41.18.170 41.18.180 41.18.190 41.18.200 41.18.210 Next
Last modified: April 7, 2009