Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 41 Public Employment, Civil Service, And Pensions - Section 41.40.191 Retirement allowance -- Members with thirty years of service -- Irrevocable election

§ 41.40.191. Retirement allowance -- Members with thirty years of service -- Irrevocable election

A member may make the irrevocable election under this section no later than six months after attaining thirty years of service. The election shall become effective at the beginning of the calendar month following department receipt of employee notification.

(1) The sum of member contributions made for periods of service after the effective date of the election plus seven and one-half percent interest shall be paid to the member at retirement without a reduction in the member's monthly retirement benefit as determined under RCW 41.40.185.

(2) Upon retirement, the member's benefit shall be calculated using only the compensation earnable credited prior to the effective date of the member's election. Calculation of the member's average final compensation shall include eligible cash outs of sick and annual leave based on the member's salary and leave accumulations at the time of retirement, except that the amount of a member's average final compensation cannot be higher than if the member had not taken advantage of the election offered under this section.

(3) Members who have already earned thirty years of service credit prior to July 25, 1999, may participate in the election by notifying the department in writing of their intention by December 31, 1999.

The department shall continue to collect employer contributions as required in RCW 41.45.060.

[1999 c 362 § 2.]

Sections:  Previous  41.40.175  41.40.180  41.40.183  41.40.185  41.40.188  41.40.189  41.40.190  41.40.191  41.40.193  41.40.197  41.40.1971  41.40.1984  41.40.1985  41.40.1986  41.40.200  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009