§ 41.45.110. Pension funding council -- Audits required -- Select committee on pension policy
The pension funding council shall solicit and administer a biennial actuarial audit of the preliminary and final actuarial valuations used for employer and member rate-setting purposes. This audit will be conducted concurrent with the actuarial valuation performed by the state actuary. At least once in each six-year period, the pension funding council shall solicit and administer an actuarial audit of the results of the experience study required in RCW 41.45.090. Upon receipt of the results of the preliminary actuarial audits required by this section, and at least thirty days prior to adopting contribution rates, the pension funding council shall submit the results to the select committee on pension policy.
[2007 c 280 § 6; 2003 c 295 § 10; 1998 c 283 § 3.]
Sections: Previous 41.45.0631 41.45.0631 41.45.067 41.45.070 41.45.080 41.45.090 41.45.100 41.45.110 41.45.120 41.45.130 41.45.150 41.45.155 41.45.158 41.45.200 41.45.203 NextLast modified: April 7, 2009