Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95A.912 Construction -- 1975 c 6

§ 70.95A.912. Construction -- 1975 c 6

This 1975 amendatory act shall be liberally construed to accomplish the intention expressed herein.

[1975 c 6 § 6.]

Port districts -- Pollution control facilities or other industrial development -- Validation: RCW 53.08.041. Sections:  Previous  70.95A.030  70.95A.035  70.95A.040  70.95A.045  70.95A.050  70.95A.060  70.95A.070  70.95A.080  70.95A.090  70.95A.100  70.95A.910  70.95A.912  70.95A.920  70.95A.930  70.95A.940  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009