§ 43.115.040. Officers and employees -- Rules and regulations
The commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Elect one of its members to serve as chairman;
(2) Adopt rules and regulations pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW;
(3) Examine and define issues pertaining to the rights and needs of Hispanics, and make recommendations to the governor and state agencies for changes in programs and laws;
(4) Advise the governor and state agencies on the development and implementation of policies, plans, and programs that relate to the special needs of Hispanics;
(5) Advise the legislature on issues of concern to the Hispanic community;
(6) Establish relationships with state agencies, local governments, and private sector organizations that promote equal opportunity and benefits for Hispanics; and
(7) Receive gifts, grants, and endowments from public or private sources that are made for the use or benefit of the commission and expend, without appropriation, the same or any income from the gifts, grants, or endowments according to their terms.
[1993 c 261 § 3; 1987 c 249 § 4; 1971 ex.s. c 34 § 4.]
Sunset Act application: See note following chapter digest.
Sections: Previous 43.115.010 43.115.020 43.115.030 43.115.040 43.115.045 43.115.060 43.115.900 Next
Last modified: April 7, 2009