Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 43 State Government -- Executive - Section 43.17.050 Office at capital -- Branch offices

§ 43.17.050. Office at capital -- Branch offices

Each department shall maintain its principal office at the state capital. The director of each department may, with the approval of the governor, establish and maintain branch offices at other places than the state capital for the conduct of one or more of the functions of his department.

The governor, in his discretion, may require all administrative departments of the state and the appointive officers thereof, other than those created by this chapter, to maintain their principal offices at the state capital in rooms to be furnished by the director of general administration.

[1965 c 8 § 43.17.050. Prior: (i) 1921 c 7 § 20; RRS § 10778. (ii) 1921 c 7 § 134; RRS § 10892.]

Departments to share occupancy -- Capital projects surcharge: RCW 43.01.090.

Housing for state offices, departments, and institutions: Chapter 43.82 RCW. Sections:  Previous  43.17.010  43.17.020  43.17.030  43.17.040  43.17.050  43.17.060  43.17.070  43.17.100  43.17.110  43.17.120  43.17.130  43.17.150  43.17.200  43.17.205  43.17.210  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009