Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 43 State Government -- Executive - Chapter 43.320 Department Of Financial Institutions
- 43.320.005 Finding
The legislature finds that, given the overlap of powers and products in the companies regulated, the consolidation of the agencies regulating financial institutions and securities ...
- 43.320.007 Regulatory reform -- Findings -- Construction -- 1994 c 256
(1) The legislature finds that the financial services industry is experiencing a period of rapid change with the development and delivery of new products and ...
- 43.320.010 Department created
A state department of financial institutions, headed by the director of financial institutions, is created. The department shall be organized and operated in a manner ...
- 43.320.011 Department of general administration and department of licensing powers and duties transferred
(1) All powers, duties, and functions of the department of general administration under Titles 30, 31, 32, 33, and 43 RCW and any other title ...
- 43.320.012 Department of general administration and department of licensing equipment, records, funds transferred
All reports, documents, surveys, books, records, files, papers, or other written or electronically stored material in the possession of the department of general administration or ...
- 43.320.013 Department of general administration and department of licensing civil service employees transferred
All employees classified under chapter 41.06 RCW, the state civil service law, who are employees of the department of general administration or the department of ...
- 43.320.014 Department of general administration or department of licensing rules, business, contracts, and obligations continued
All rules and all pending business before the department of general administration or the department of licensing pertaining to the powers, functions, and duties transferred ...
- 43.320.015 Department of general administration and department of licensing -- Validity of acts
The transfer of the powers, duties, functions, and personnel of the department of general administration or the department of licensing under RCW 43.320.011 through 43.320.014 ...
- 43.320.016 Apportionment of budgeted funds
If apportionments of budgeted funds are required because of the transfers directed by RCW 43.320.011 through 43.320.015, the director of financial management shall certify the ...
- 43.320.017 Collective bargaining agreements
Nothing contained in RCW 43.320.011 through 43.320.015 may be construed to alter any existing collective bargaining unit or the provisions of any existing collective bargaining ...
- 43.320.020 Director -- Salary -- Powers and duties -- Examiners, assistants, personnel
The director of financial institutions shall be appointed by the governor and shall exercise all powers and perform all of the duties and functions transferred ...
- 43.320.030 Director -- Qualifications -- Conflicts of interest
A person is not eligible for appointment as director of financial institutions unless he or she is, and for the last two years before his ...
- 43.320.040 Director's authority to adopt rules
The director of financial institutions may adopt any rules, under chapter 34.05 RCW, necessary to implement the powers and duties of the director under this ...
- 43.320.045 Director's duties -- Dissemination of information
The director of financial institutions or the director's designee shall: (1) Disseminate information to the public concerning the laws regulating financial institutions of this state; ...
- 43.320.050 Assistant directors -- Divisions -- "FDIC" defined
The director of financial institutions may appoint assistant directors for each of the divisions of the department and delegate to them the power to perform ...
- 43.320.060 Deputization of assistant to exercise powers and duties of director
The director of financial institutions shall appoint, deputize, and employ examiners and such other assistants and personnel as may be necessary to carry on the ...
- 43.320.070 Oath of examiners -- Liability for acts performed in good faith
Before entering office each examiner shall take and subscribe an oath faithfully to discharge the duties of the office. Oaths shall be filed with the ...
- 43.320.080 Director to maintain office in Olympia -- Record of receipts and disbursements -- Deposit of funds
The director of financial institutions shall maintain an office at the state capitol, but may with the consent of the governor also maintain branch offices ...
- 43.320.090 Borrowing money by director, deputy, or employee -- Penalty
(1) It shall be unlawful for the director of financial institutions, any deputized assistant of the director, or any employee of the department of financial ...
- 43.320.100 Annual report -- Contents
The director of financial institutions shall file in his or her office all reports required to be made to the director, prepare and furnish to ...
- 43.320.110 Financial services regulation fund
There is created a local fund known as the "financial services regulation fund" which shall consist of all moneys received by the divisions of the ...
- 43.320.115 Securities prosecution fund
(1) The securities prosecution fund is created in the custody of the state treasurer and shall consist of all fines received by the division of ...
- 43.320.140 Mortgage lending fraud prosecution account -- Created
(1) The mortgage lending fraud prosecution account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. All receipts from the surcharge imposed in RCW 36.22.181, ...
- 43.320.1401 Mortgage lending fraud prosecution account -- Report to legislature
(1) Before December 31st of every year, the department of financial institutions shall provide the senate and house of representatives committees that address matters related ...
- 43.320.150 Financial literacy and education programs
The director of financial institutions or the director's designee may establish, administer, and implement financial literacy and education programs, including but not limited to: (1) ...
- 43.320.1501 Financial literacy -- Report to governor and legislature
The director or his or her designee shall convene an interagency work group to identify current state funded efforts to support financial literacy, assess whether ...
- 43.320.160 Smart homeownership choices program -- Report
(1) The smart homeownership choices program is created in the department to assist low-income and moderate-income households, as defined in RCW 84.14.010, facing foreclosure. (2) ...
- 43.320.165 Smart homeownership choices program account
The smart homeownership choices program account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. All receipts from the appropriation in section 4, chapter 322, ...
- 43.320.170 Smart homeownership choices program -- Expenditures -- Low-income households -- Moderate-income households
The Washington state housing finance commission shall only serve low-income households, as defined in RCW 84.14.010, through the smart homeownership choices program described in RCW ...
- 43.320.900 Effective date -- 1993 c 472
This act takes effect October 1, 1993.[1993 c 472 § 31.] ...
- 43.320.901 Implementation -- 1993 c 472
The directors of the department of general administration and the department of licensing shall take such steps as are necessary to ensure that this act ...
Last modified: April 7, 2009