A person who knowingly entices, induces, persuades, seduces, prevails, advises, coerces, lures, or orders, or attempts to entice, induce, persuade, seduce, prevail, advise, coerce, lure, or order, by means of a computer, on-line service, Internet service, Internet bulletin board service, weblog, cellular phone, video game system, personal data assistant, telephone, facsimile machine, camera, universal serial bus drive, writable compact disc, magnetic storage device, floppy disk, or any other electronic communication or storage device, a child who is at least three years younger than the defendant, or another person believed by the defendant to be a child at least three years younger than the defendant to meet with the defendant or any other person for the purpose of engaging in sexual intercourse, sodomy, sexual contact, sexual performance, obscene sexual performance, sexual conduct, or genital mutilation, or directs a child to engage in sexual intercourse, sodomy, sexual contact, sexual performance, obscene sexual performance, sexual conduct, or genital mutilation is guilty of electronic solicitation of a child. Any person who violates this section commits a Class B felony.
Last modified: May 3, 2021