Each person, firm, or entity supplying to any county or municipality any absentee affidavit envelopes, absentee ballots, or other absentee election materials in connection with any primary, general, special, or municipal election shall, at the time of the shipment or delivery of the same, provide to the county or municipality, and to the Secretary of State, an itemized and signed statement showing a description and the quantity of each item so shipped or delivered. Upon the conclusion of the election, the absentee election manager shall return all unused absentee election materials to the sheriff of the respective county along with an itemized, signed statement showing the description and quantity of each item of absentee election material not utilized by the county or municipality in the election then concluded, and the unused absentee election materials shall be maintained for the period of time prescribed by applicable law and, in no event, less than 18 months.
Last modified: May 3, 2021