(a) The Alabama Electronic Overseas Voting Advisory Committee is created to determine whether secure electronic means may be established for conducting absentee voting for overseas voters and to advise and assist the office of the Secretary of State in the establishment, testing, and implementation of absentee overseas balloting by secure electronic means.
(b) The membership of the committee shall include all of the following:
(1) The Secretary of State as chair.
(2) A representative of the Alabama Sheriff's Association appointed by that association.
(3) A representative of the Alabama Probate Judge's Association appointed by that association.
(4) A representative of the Alabama Circuit Clerks Association appointed by that association.
(5) A representative of the Alabama National Guard appointed by the Adjutant General.
(6) The Chair of the Senate Constitution, Campaign Finance, Ethics, and Elections Committee.
(7) The Chair of the House Constitution and Elections Committee.
(8) A representative of the county boards of registrars appointed by the Secretary of State.
(9) A representative of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama appointed by that association.
(10) One person appointed by the Governor.
(11) One person appointed by the Attorney General.
(12) The Director of the Alabama State Department of Veterans Affairs.
(13) The Executive Director of the Veterans of Foreign Wars for the State of Alabama.
(c) The membership of the committee shall be inclusive and reflect the racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. The committee shall annually report to the Legislature by the second legislative day of each regular session the extent to which the committee has complied with the diversity provisions provided for in this article. Members of the committee shall be appointed July 9, 2011, and shall serve without compensation but shall be eligible for reimbursement for necessary and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
(d) The chair of the committee shall convene an organizational meeting of the committee by July 24, 2011.
(e) For the purposes of this committee, eight members present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Last modified: May 3, 2021