(a) There is hereby created the Legislative Services Agency which shall be under the supervision, direction, and control of the Director of Legislative Services. The director shall be appointed by the Legislative Council and shall receive the compensation and benefits established by the council, payable as the compensation of other state employees.
(b) The director shall serve as Code Commissioner for the Code of Alabama. As Code Commissioner, the director, when approved and directed by the Legislative Council, shall enter into a printing contract on behalf of the State of Alabama to publish the official code of the statutes of Alabama. If the director is not a licensed attorney, the Deputy Director of Legislative Services, Legal, shall serve as Code Commissioner.
(c) The agency succeeds to and is vested with all of the functions of the Legislative Reference Service, the Legislative Fiscal Office, and the Alabama Law Institute. A reference in any law to the Legislative Reference Service, Legislative Fiscal Office, or the Alabama Law Institute shall be deemed a reference to the agency.
(d) On October 1, 2017, all papers, books, materials, furnishings, funds, personnel, and property of the Legislative Reference Service, Legislative Fiscal Office, and the Alabama Law Institute shall be transferred to the agency.
Last modified: May 3, 2021