(a) The Director of Legislative Services may establish a special fund in the State Treasury to receive direct grants or contributions or fees from municipal, county, state, federal, or charitable sources, or any other sources, to conduct studies, educate public officials, and carry on the duties of the division. The funds in the special fund are continuously appropriated for the exclusive use of the division, shall be maintained separately, and shall be in addition to any other funds appropriated to the division.
(b) This fund may be used to pay the actual expenses of conducting the education functions of the Law Revision Division including the provision of food and non-alcoholic beverages usual and customary for like events and the actual and necessary expenses for participants and faculty of programs sponsored by the division as approved by the Director of Legislative Services.
(c) The Director of Legislative Services shall provide a public report of all funds received pursuant to this section. The public report shall be made on the website of the Legislative Services Agency, provided that this requirement may be met by providing a link to a site that discloses this information on a statewide basis for other state governmental entities.
Last modified: May 3, 2021