Whoever sells or offers to sell a diploma conferring a dental or dental hygiene degree, or a license certificate or annual registration certificate granted pursuant to this chapter or prior dental act, or procures such diploma or license certificate or annual registration certificate with intent that it shall be used as evidence of the right to practice dentistry or dental hygiene as defined by law, by a person other than the one upon whom it was conferred or to whom such license certificate or annual registration certificate was granted, or with fraudulent intent alters such diploma or license certificate or annual registration certificate, or uses or attempts to use it when it is so altered shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The board may impose any of the penalties outlined in Section 34-9-18 against any person found guilty of making a false statement or cheating, or of fraud or deception either in applying for a license, a license certificate, or annual registration or in taking any of the examinations provided for herein.
Last modified: May 3, 2021