Alaska Statutes Sec. 10.15.320 - Biennial Report

(a) Each cooperative shall file with the department before July 2 of the reporting year a biennial report signed by a principal officer or the general manager setting out

(1) its name and the address of its principal place of business in the state;

(2) the name of its registered agent and address of its registered office;

(3) the names and addresses of its principal officers and its general manager, if any;

(4) a statement of the aggregate number of shares that the cooperative may issue, itemized by classes, par value of shares, shares without par value;

(5) a statement of the aggregate number of shares subscribed, but not paid up, itemized by classes, par value of shares, shares without par value;

(6) a statement of the aggregate number of paid-up shares, itemized by classes, par value of shares, shares without par value;

(7) for cooperatives established without capital stock the biennial report shall contain a statement as to the amount of the membership fee and a statement as to the number of memberships which are issued;

(8) a brief statement of the character of the business in which the cooperative is engaged in this state.

(b) A domestic cooperative filing its articles of incorporation and a foreign cooperative receiving a certificate of authority during an even-numbered year must file the biennial report before July 2 of each even-numbered year. A cooperative filing its articles of incorporation or receiving its certificate of authority during an odd-numbered year must file the biennial report before July 2 of each odd-numbered year.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016