Alaska Statutes Sec. 16.05.520 - Number Plate

(a) The vessel license includes a permanent number plate. The number plate shall be accompanied by a tab affixed to the number plate designating the year to be fished. A number plate is not transferable, and the number plate shall be considered a permanent fixture upon the vessel upon which the number plate is originally placed. The number plate shall be securely fastened well forward on the port side in plain sight. On a vessel with a superstructure, the number plate shall be fastened on the port side of the superstructure. A number plate remains the property of the state. The Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission may establish by regulation a reasonable fee for the initial issuance of a permanent number plate. If a permanent number plate is accidentally defaced, mutilated, destroyed, or lost, the person owning or operating the vessel shall immediately apply for and may obtain a duplicate upon furnishing the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission with the pertinent facts and a payment of a reasonable fee established by the commission by regulation that is not less than $2.

(b) If a vessel carrying a number plate is lost, destroyed, or sold, the owner shall immediately report the loss, destruction, or sale to the Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016